Bereavement support

Published 11 October 2023

Helping you deal with bereavement

We know that coping with bereavement is a difficult and painful process, so we’ll do our very best to deal with your claim as quickly and smoothly as possible and provide any support we can along the way.

You can also download our guide for practical guidance and professional expertise to help you through this difficult time.

Which types of policy can I make a claim on?


Pensions sometimes include life cover that pays a cash lump sum when the member dies. Even if a pension doesn’t have this, the value of the policy can usually be paid out as a lump sum or be used to provide an income for a dependant when the member dies.

We’ll normally say what types of benefits could be payable in the annual statement we send to the member each year. However, don’t worry if you can’t find this, we can tell you exactly what is payable.

Investments and insurance policies

Investment and insurance policies pay a lump sum if a life assured dies within their period of cover. Some policies provide cover for the whole of life, while some only provide cover for a fixed period. The type of policy will also determine who the lump sum is paid to (it could be a joint policy holder, or spouse, children or other dependents, or to the estate).

Not sure what something means?

The Association of British Insurers (ABI) have a useful glossary containing some of the common words used in the pensions and insurance world.

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What details will I need to provide?

If you contact us following the death of a member or life assured, we’ll need to know:

  • Policy number
  • Name of the person who has died
  • Cause and date of death
  • Whether the death occurred in the UK
  • Who you are and your relationship to the deceased
  • Who is dealing with the estate

The easiest way to notify us of a bereavement is by using our online form. Make sure you have these details to hand when completing the form. You’ll also need them if you call us, or include in your letter if you write.

What happens next?

After you’ve contacted us, we’ll review the case and get back in touch to confirm what the next steps are. Usually we’ll issue a claim form, or for pension claims, information about the options available which will need to be completed and returned, along with any supporting documentation. Our Bereavement Claims Team will be happy to help you if you’re unsure of anything.

In all cases we’ll require an original Death Certificate, which is obtained from the Registrar when the death is registered. At the time of registering the death, it’s worth considering whether additional certificates should be purchased as you may need to send the death certificate to a number of organisations. We’ll keep you updated throughout the process and let you know if we require more information.

Once the claim has been verified, and we’ve confirmed who the benefits should be paid to, we’ll promptly make payment in line with the information provided in your claim form. If the claim is in relation to a pension, we’ll get in contact to help the beneficiary action their chosen option.

Funeral pledge

We understand that coping with bereavement is difficult enough, without facing unexpected costs. So if you’re waiting for a claim to be paid, and need to pay funeral costs in the meantime, we may be able to help.

In certain circumstances, for example; if probate hasn’t been resolved, we can release up to £10,000 straight to a Funeral Director before paying the claim. This money will then be deducted from the claim value, when it’s paid to you.

If you find yourself in this situation, please talk to our Bereavement team to see if they can help.

The Funeral Pledge is an initiative from the Protection Distributors Group (PDG). You can read more about the PDG here.

More help

Gov.UK – Wills, probate and inheritance

Gov.UK - How to register a death

Gov.UK – What to do after someone dies

Bereavement Advice Centre - supports and advises people on what they need to do after a death.

MoneyHelper - Free and impartial money advice, set up by government

Winston’s Wish - the leading childhood bereavement charity in the UK.